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Description: Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: Today's Upper Intermediate Lesson is all about 清談: Fad Diets. Key Vocabulary: 妖魔化 - yāomóhuà - demonize 營養 - yíngyǎng - nutrition; nourishment 價值 - jiàzhí - value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc) 碳水化合物 - tànshuǐhuàhéwù - carbohydrate 麩質 - fūzhì - gluten 選項 - xuǎnxiàng - to make a choice (between several alternatives); a choice; an option 愛惜 - àixī - to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly 時髦 - shímáo - in vogue 面黃肌瘦 - miànhuángjīshòu - yellow face, emaciated body (idiom) 泡湯 - pàotāng - to dawdle; to go slow deliberately; to fizzle out 好萊塢飲食 - hǎoláiwùyǐnshí - Hollywood diet 睡美人飲食 - shuìměirényǐnshí - sleeping beauty diet 鹼性飲食 - jiǎnxìngyǐnshí - alkaline diet 空氣飲食 - kōngqìyǐnshí - air diet 間歇性斷食 - jiànxiēxìngduànshí - intermittent diet 原始人飲食 - yuánshǐrényǐnshí - primitive diet NOTE: This video features TRADITIONAL characters, which are used in Hong Kong and Taiwan. For viewers studying the form of written Chinese used in Mainland China (simplified), the simplified-character version of this video is available at Go to for more great lessons and videos! =================================== Like this video? Sign-up today to make the most of's 4,000+ lesson library! Save 15% on any subscription with promo code YOUTUBE. Visit now. LIKE US: TWEET US: DOUBLE-TAP US: SNAP US: READ US: LEARN WITH US: (psst... use code "YOUTUBE" for 15% off a Premium Annual Account) #ChinesePod #FadDiets #UpperIntermediate #LearnChinese #SpeakChinese